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Class Supply Lists for the 2025-2026 Year

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Ms. Stadius' 1st Grade Supply List

One of the most exciting parts for kids is shopping for school supplies for the upcoming school year!


To help you in planning for the amazing year ahead, here is a list of supplies your child will need in first grade. 

1   pk. Watercolor tube paints  

1   paint pallet  

3   brushes of varying sizes

1   plastic case containing 12-color watercolor paints (¥100 shop)

1   painting smock (or apron)

1   desk-size tablecloth for painting and markers (plastic is best)

1   6-pk THIN blue/black whiteboard markers

1   A4 size whiteboard

2   red ball-point pens for marking/correcting

2   thin permanent black markers

12  2B pencils (no Sharpies, please)

1   pencil sharpener with a case for shavings

1   3-pk of MONO erasers (or other "clean" dust-free erasers)

1   5-pk WHITE stick of glue

2-3 small bond glues (long, narrow red cap)

1   10-pk thin colored pencil set (for art)

1   medium pair of "kid-size" scissors with a protective case

1   12 -15 pk of COUPY brand crayons (in a plastic case with a snap, please)

1   B4-size HARD PLASTIC zippered case (art, library books, etc.) ¥100 shop

3    A3-size packets of multicolored construction paper and one 10-pack transparent clear files (100 yen shop)

8   8-line English notebooks

5   boxes of classroom tissues

1   pair of indoor shoes (in case of rain)

1   medium-sized backpack (lunch bag, notebooks, art, etc.)

1   set headphones

1   hand towel with a hook

1   kid-size jump rope

1   foam-type hand soap

A snack is welcome for morning RECESS (senbei, fruit, vegetables, cookies, nuts). NO GUM OR CHOCOLATE at snack time, please!




Thanks very much for your cooperation. I look forward to seeing you soon!


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Ms. Ilagan's 2nd & 3rd Grade School Supply List 

One of the most exciting parts for kids is shopping for school supplies for the upcoming school year!


To help you in planning for the amazing year ahead, here is a list of supplies your child will need in 2nd and 3rd grade (You can reuse old materials). Please drop off these supplies during our Meet & Greet before school starts, so everything will be organized and ready for your child to begin the year!


3 A4 clear books (file books) (label with names and term numbers)

3 A4 double-hole file holder (label with names and term numbers)

1 A4 black clipboard 

1 B4-size HARD PLASTIC zippered case (art, library books, etc.) 

1 headphones

1 pack black whiteboard markers

1 black permanent markers

1 whiteboard eraser

1 A4 size whiteboard

3 red ball-point pens for marking/correcting

1 box of 2B pencils  

1 pencil sharpener with a case for shavings

3 erasers 

4 white sticks of glue

3 small bond glues (long, narrow red cap)

1 pair of scissors with a protective case

1 ruler (12 inch)

8 clear files

10 notebooks A 7mm lined

1 set watercolor tube paints  

1 set colored pencils

1 set Coupy crayons

1 set of oil pastels

1 paint palette  

3 paintbrushes (small, medium, large)

1 painting smock (or apron)

1 A4-sketchbook (landscape)

3 A4-size packets of multicolored construction paper

1 desk-size tablecloth for painting and markers (plastic is best)


1 medium-sized backpack (lunch bag, notebooks, art, etc.)

1 thermos bottle for water or tea

1 5-pk bag of tissue boxes

1 3-pk bag of wet wipes

1 pair of indoor shoes 

1 jump rope

1 hand towel with hook

1 800ml refill foam-type hand soap


Please LABEL each item with your child’s name.


The following are optional items to bring:

*morning snack (senbei, fruit, chips, vegetables, or any healthy snack - no candy or chocolate)

*cushion for the chair. 


Any kind of backpack is acceptable. Additional art supplies will be requested as needed.  

Thanks very much for your cooperation.  I look forward to seeing you soon!



Ms. Ilagan

2nd and 3rd Grade Homeroom Teacher


Reiko Maruyama

1st & 2nd Grade Supply List Japanese Class

Plastic sheet (It's called "shita-jiki.")

Notebook for sentence (ex. 8 or 10 square)(Kokugo-note)

Notebook for Chinese character (Kanji)(ex. 50 words)


Reiko C
Grade 3_edited.jpg

Mr. Brown`s 4th Grade School Supplies List


# of each item needed item


1          box of HB pencils - for tests

1          box of 2B pencils

1          set of colored pencils

2          red ballpoint pens

5          whiteboard markers - black or blue only

2          permanent markers

1          set of water paints (tubes) in various colors

3          paint brushes for art class - small, medium, and large

2          erasers

1          pair of scissors

12        notebooks - B size

20        clear files - for organizing subjects (100 yen stores sell them in packs of 10.)

2          glue sticks

2          craft glue (wood glue)

1          protractor

1          math compass

1          ruler - 30 centimeters

1          pair of indoor shoes - We will use them if their shoes get muddy on rainy days.

1          pair of tennis shoes - for P.E.

1          ukulele - for music class (Soprano or Concert size)    

1          thermos - for water to be brought every day. We don`t allow students to drink juice at school.

3          packs of multicolored construction paper

5          tissue boxes - to share with the class

1          backpack - Any kind of backpack is acceptable.

Please pack a lunch for your child.  (Students will not eat lunch on half days.)


Optional:  One cushion for the chair. The ones with a rubber grip on one side don`t slide off the chairs, but any cushion is fine.


3rd -6th Grade Supply List Japanese Classes

1. 2B or B pencils (well-sharpened), 

2. Eraser, 

3. Plastic sheet (It's called "shita-jiki.")

4. Notebook for sentence (ex. 10, 12, or 15 square)(Kokugo-note)

5. Notebook for Chinese character (Kanji)(ex. 50 or 84 words)

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Mr. Olsen's 5th & 6th Grade School Supplies List


# of each item needed item


1          box of HB pencils - for tests

1          box of 2B pencils

1          set of colored pencils

2          red ballpoint pens

5          whiteboard markers - black or blue only

2          permanent markers

1          set of water paints (tubes) in various colors

3          paint brushes for art class - small, medium, and large

2          erasers

1          pair of scissors

12        notebooks - B size

20        clear, transparent files - for organizing subjects (100 yen stores sell them in packs of 10.)

2          glue sticks

2          craft glue (wood glue)

1          protractor

1          math compass

1          ruler - 30 centimeters

1          pair of indoor shoes - We will use them if their shoes get muddy on rainy days.

1          pair of tennis shoes - for P.E.

1          ukulele - for music class (Soprano or Concert size)    

1          thermos - for water to be brought every day. We don`t allow students to drink juice at school.

3          packs of multicolored construction paper

5          tissue boxes - to share with the class

1          backpack - Any kind of backpack is acceptable.

Please pack a lunch for your child.  (Students will not eat lunch on half days.)


Optional:  One cushion for the chair. The ones with a rubber grip on one side don`t slide off the chairs, but any cushion is fine.

You may pack a snack for your child.  Children can eat during recess. This can be chips, cookies, crackers, senbei, nuts, cheese, jelly, or fruit. No candy, chocolate, or gum, please.


Please write your child's name on everything.  Thanks!


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 Dr. Blombuela's Supply List for Grades 7 - 8


1 Box of Pencils #2 (Roughly 6-12 Pencils)

2 Mechanical Pencils*

2 Ballpoint Pens, red or green

2 Erasers

6 Notebooks Regular size (174 mm x 245 mm, B5)

6 Notebooks Large size (210 mm x 297 mm, A4)

1 Daily Planner or Calendar Book (Any small planner to write daily homework in is acceptable)

2 Clear Files

1 Pencil Case

2 White board markers, black or blue

1 Permanent marker

1 Colored Pencil set (24 or more)

1 Scissors

1 White glue

1 Ruler, 30 centimeters

1 Protractor

1 Math Compass

1 Calculator (Do not get a basic one. Get either advanced math or a graphing calculator)

1 Headphones or Earphones - place in a zip lock bag

1 Thermos for water or tea to be brought every day

1 Tennis shoes for the gym

1 Snack to be brought daily to eat at 10:00. Healthy snacks, no candy or sweets, please.

1 A pillow for the chair *

5 Pack of tissue boxes

1 Pack of cleaning towels (zoukin)




Any kind of backpack is acceptable. Please put the student's name on everything.



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