Dear Parents,
There are several changes in the 2025-2026 school year. The most exciting change is that we will, hopefully, be fully accredited! I will announce it as soon as I hear the news. Full accreditation will bring new students, new opportunities, and possibly support from the governor of Yamanashi. We will call him as soon as the accreditation is official and ask for our students to have student discounts on the trains and if he could help us with a building for the secondary students. There may be other things he can do to help us expand. The Bible says, "You don't have because you don't ask." We are going to ask!
You have probably heard that two of our full-time teachers and one of our staff members are leaving NLIS this March. Mr. Jonathan Rasson, an only child, needs to return home to America to help his mother, who broke her back. For seven years, Mr. Rasson has taught junior high, social studies, and electives to grades 7-12 at NLIS; he was also the technology director of NLIS. He is a dearly loved, respected teacher who will be missed.
Miss Sue Yi is retiring from teaching to be a full-time missionary. For two and a half years, she taught 3rd and 4th grades and the girls' teen Bible study at NLIS. She is also dearly loved and will be missed.
Miss Masumi Kamikawa is retiring this year as an office assistant. (She will be 65 this year.) She has worked here for four years and is known for her big smile and warm, gentle personality.
We thank Mr. Rasson, Miss Yi, and Miss Masumi for their faithful service at our school. We pray that God will bless them and hope they keep in touch.
Dr. Glenn Brombuela, from the Philippines, will be the new secondary math and science teacher. He has a bachelor's in Science Education, a master's in Religious Education, and a Ph. d in Education, Leadership, and Management. He is a licensed teacher and has taught for seven years in Christian schools and has glowing references, such as, Dr. Brombuela is "dedicated, hard-working, (he has the ) ability to break down complex concepts, willingness to help others, passion for education, trained in IB curriculum, expertise in science, fosters an inquiry-based and transdisciplinary approach to learning." In short, the students will enjoy learning and learn well. Dr. Brombuela will be the junior high homeroom teacher and teach all sciences, math, and the electives, P.E., Technology Skills, Choir, and Introduction to Psychology to all grades 7 to 12.
Mr. Kyle Olsen, from Texas, will be the new teacher for the 5th & 6th graders this year and the P.E. teacher for the 4th through 6th graders.* Mr. Olsen has a Bachelor of Science in Political Science with a minor in English and History. He is a licensed teacher with three years of teaching 5th graders in Texas and two years of teaching in Japan. His impressive references state that he creates a "supportive and encouraging atmosphere that significantly contributes to the student's academic and personal growth, that his dedication to student success is truly commendable, as he tailors his approach to meet each student's unique needs, helping them to excel, and that he is an exceptional individual whose skills, dedication, and positive attitude makes him a great teacher." He has a lovely Japanese wife and a three-year-old daughter. I'm excited to have Mr. Olsen join our school. The students will enjoy and learn well in his class.
*Mr. Olsen will teach PE, and Mr. Brown will teach ukulele to 4th through 6th graders.
Mrs. Megumi Watanabe will begin teaching Japanese at NLIS again this April. She taught Japanese at NLIS for our first three years but left to have a baby. Her “baby” will enter first grade this year, so now Mrs. Watanabe has time to teach. She is a licensed teacher with experience. She will teach the 5th and 6th graders. Mrs. Watanabe is a Christian and an excellent teacher.
Mrs. Kazumi Seki will teach Japanese to grades 4, 7, and 8. She is highly qualified, with many teacher licenses and years of experience. She has come with high recommendations.
Our school is blessed to have qualified teachers at New Life International School.
Mrs. Erin Okuaki will be the principal’s assistant. She has experience with teaching, managing, and working as a clerk and translator and is fluent in English. She has been involved with the school for eight years as a parent, a board member, a karate teacher, and, this past year, as a Japanese teacher. She is very talented and will be a great benefit to the school.
1st grade: Miss Stadius will teach in her classroom in the main building, and Mrs. Maruyama will teach 1st grade Japanese.
2nd & 3rd grades: Miss Ilagan will teach in the large middle room in the main building. Mrs. Maruyama will teach the 2nd-grade Japanese, and Mr. Matsuoka will teach the 3rd-grade Japanese.
4th grade: Mr. Brown will teach in his classroom. Mrs. Kazumi will teach the 4th grade Japanese.
5th and 6th graders: Mr. Olsen will teach in the old 3rd-grade room in the main building, and Mrs. Watanabe will teach 5th and 6th-grade Japanese.
5th-12th Japanese JLPT Classes will be taught by Mrs. Maruyama and assisted by Mrs. Takai.
7th & 8th graders: Dr. Brombuela will teach the junior high homeroom in the downstairs room of the second building. He will teach math and science to all grades 7 through 12, the Technology Skills and Physical Education electives in the first term, and choir and Introduction to Psychology in the second term. Mrs. Seki will teach the 7th and 8th grade Japanese.
9th—12th graders: Miss Boko will teach the high school homeroom in the upstairs room of the second building. She will also teach language arts and social studies to all grades 7 through 12 and the electives Drama (she is certified), home economics, photography, and physical education. Mr. Matsuoka will teach the 9th, 10th, and 11th grade Japanese.
Note: We had to change the rooms due to the size of the classes and their needs.
We have at least ten new students in grades 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, and 12. Six of the new students are native English speakers.
Tyler Veale will graduate on March 6. He joined NLIS the year it first began in 2015. Tyler is a very bright student with excellent prospects for the future. He took the SAT and scored in the top ten percentile of students tested worldwide. Tyler is bilingual, impressing his Japanese teacher this year. He is going to attend the University of New Zealand. He will leave Japan in April to start his journey. Tyler is very loved at our school and will be missed.
3 M Lockdown drill; Practice graduation.
4 T Student Council members meeting with the principal at 1:00. Practice graduation.
5 W Assembly at 11:30 to announce the Perfect Attendance and Honor Roll awards and the new Student Council members’ positions. Minute to Win It relays 1:00 to 3:00
6 TH 6th, 9th, and 12th Grade Graduation from 10:30; Report Cards (1-12); Half-day
School is over at noon, so there is no lunch. Students may bring snacks.
Mrs. Brown will visit family in Texas and Tennessee from March 10 to March 27. If you have any questions, please get in touch with any of the following:
Mr. Brown (Grade 4/5)
Miss Stadius (Grade 2)
Mrs. Takai (office assistant)
The supply lists are on the school website.
All students have spring homework except for graduating students in grades 6 and 9.
The teachers will return to school for Teacher Professional Development and Work Days on April 3 and 4.
The first day of the 2025-26 school year is Monday, April 7. Monday through Wednesday, the first three days will be half days from 9:00 to 12:00 in all grades. There will be no Japanese classes or lunches; students are encouraged to bring snacks. From Thursday, April 10, we will have regular hours and Japanese classes, including lunches.
I hope you all have a lovely spring break with meaningful family time.
Best Regards,
Suzy Brown,
Principal of New Life International School