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Writer's pictureSuzy Brown

Important information for all parents at NLIS. ニューライフインターナショナルスクールのご父兄の皆様に重要なお知らせをお伝えいたします。

1.NLIS has a Parent Supporting Education club, (PSE). All parents are considered members automatically. At this time, no fees are collected. Parents are asked to come to the monthly meetings as time allows. Our PSE is a wonderful way to meet the parents and hear the latest news of the school. The meetings are usually held at 2:00 on Friday once a month in the cafeteria. You will be notified in an email about the times.

2. NLIS has 2 liters of water and 1 can of hardtack for every student in case of an emergency where the children may have to stay at school overnight. This could be a major earthquake, a flood, etc. when the parents may find it impossible to get to the school. We ask for 600 yen each to cover the cost of the 5-year water and 5-year hardtack. The children only pay every 5 years. If you have NOT paid, please pay this to your child’s teacher. It means that your child does not have emergency food or water at the school.

3. Please check the school website for updates to parents. The site and directions are below. We post letters on this site about once a week. Most of the letters are NOT given to the students since we found out that the letters never get seen by the parents.

There is also a comment button on the top of the Letters to Parents page where you are invited to make comments, both praise and concerns, to the administration of the school. We hope to keep good communication with you and to help your child succeed in our school.

Directions for how to enter the “Letters to Parents” page.

1. Go to the school website

2. On the home page find the button, “Letters to Parents” and push it.

3. The page, “Guest Area” will appear. Enter the password “NLISbestschool.”

4. After entering “NLISbestschool,” press “Go.”

4. Please check our Facebook page, New Life International School Yamanashi. You will see pictures of the classes, announcements, and news.

5. Please see the attached letter concerning parking. We have limited spaces, so we ask all parents with children above 4th grade to not use the parking lots. We ask that you drop your children nearby and let them walk the rest of the way. We have to use the main parking from 9:05 to 2:30 for recess, lunch, and physical education, so during these times please park on the east side of the school in the gravel parking lot. We only rent half of the parking lot, the northeast side. Please do not use the other side.

6. At this time, masks are mostly required in the classroom. The kindergarten class does not have to wear a mask. According to the government’s regulations, if we have 2 meters of space and there is no talking, masks are not required. Masks are not required during lunch, recess, or in physical education class.

7. All NLIS students must wear a school badge every day. The first one is free. If a child needs more, they are 300 yen each.

8. NLIS also has t-shirts that the students may wear on all days. They are 1,800 yen each. 400 yen is a for our new high school building fund. If you would like to purchase one or more, please ask the secretaries for an order sheet. No badge is needed with the t-shirt.

9. There is a new Bible study for mothers starting in October 2022. We will meet from 9:00 to 9:45 every other week. All parents are welcome! Please see Suzy for more information.

10. Hanazen Obento provides the students with healthy obento lunches delivered to NLIS daily for 350 yen if the student provides his or her own obento box. The parents must order and pay directly to the company. Please see the staff for details.

1. ニューライフインターナショナルスクール(以下、略してNLIS)では、PSE(Parent Supporting

Education club=ご父兄による教育支援クラブ)があります。全てのご父兄に自動的にこのクラブ会員と





2. NLISは地震、洪水等の災害で生徒がやむを得ず、本校にて宿泊する緊急時に備えて、1人につき、2リットルの水、1つの乾パンをストックしています。その為、600円を各生徒より徴収いたします。



3. 本校のウェブサイトにて、ご父兄あてのお知らせ「ご父兄の皆様へのお手紙」ページが更新されますので





1. NLISウェブサイトURL:

2. 「ホーム」ボタンをクリック

3. 「ご父兄の皆様へのお手紙」

4. 「Guest Area」にてパスワード:NLISbestschoolを入力してクリック

5. NLISbestschoolにて「Go」をクリック

4. 本校のFacebook「New Life International School Yamanashi」に開いて、


5. 添付いたしました、駐車場ご利用のご注意に関するお知らせをお読みください。限られた駐車スペース


お願いしています。9:05 a.m.~2:30 p.m.の時間帯の駐車場は、休み時間、体育、昼食等の活動のた




6. 今現在においても、教室内においてマスク着用がほとんど要求されています。幼稚園児はマスクをする




7. 全校生徒は毎日、校章バッジをつけなければなりません。1個目は無償で配布されますが、


8. NLISは、日中着用ができる本校専用のTシャツがあります。一着1,800円ですが、その内400円は高校生用の校舎購入の寄付分となります。何着でも購入可能ですので、ご注文について事務までご連絡ください。Tシャツ着用時はバッジをつける必要はありません。

9. 2022年10月より、新しく、お母さんのための「バイブルスタディ」を始めます。隔週で9:00~9:45の



10. お弁当屋さんの「はなぜん」さんが、お子さんのお弁当をスクールまで届けてくださいます。空のお弁当箱



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